Living in Australia
Excited about moving to Australia? Discover how to prepare for your departure, secure accommodation and employment, and ensure your safety while pursuing your studies.
Once you have received confirmation of your study location in Australia, it is recommended that you begin searching for suitable accommodation that fits your budget and requirements. Keep in mind that student accommodation is typically in high demand and requires advanced planning.
It is common for international students to live with other students in order to make living costs more affordable.
There are often rental and share house options posted on boards at your education institution or at share house websites such as Flatmate Finders

When you move to Australia, you may find it to be a unique experience. However, you can take advantage of the support services provided by your institution and other organisations to help you adjust to life in Australia.
Australia is known as one of the happiest countries in the world (World Happiness Report 2019), and five of its cities are among the top 30 cities in the world for students (QS Top University Rankings 2019). Whether you are here for a few months or a few years, it is crucial to conduct research and plan ahead to ensure a safe and enjoyable study experience. Some of the essential things to consider and plan include preparing for departure, arrival in Australia, accessing support services, complying with your visa regulations, working while studying, managing living costs and finding accommodation, as well as maintaining health and safety.
Locations in Australia

Australia’s a big, exciting country, with eight states and territories offering an incredibly diverse range of experiences for international students. Start exploring your options.

Upon receiving confirmation of your study location in Australia, it is recommended that you begin your search for suitable accommodation that meets your budget and requirements.
Living costs

Preparing a budget for living and studying expenses in Australia is crucial to ensure a successful academic journey.
Health and Safety

While Australia is generally a safe place for international students to live and study, it’s still essential to be aware of any potential risks.

While Australia is generally a safe place for international students to live and study, it’s still essential to be aware of any potential risks.
Student Support

We have always prioritised supporting each other in times of need, including the well-being of our international students.
Study, live, and make Australia your new home. We are here to help!
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